Our investment philosophy is shrouded by the concepts of asset allocation and portfolio diversification. We believe that time, not timing, is the most important ingredient to creating & funding wealth. Our investment process helps our clients through different life stages including starting a family, saving for college tuition, and preparing for and living in retirement. If you’re seeking income from the assets that you have accumulated, you can utilize our distribution strategies to help you create dependable cash flow.

Wealth Management Services

As investment fiduciaries under our Investment Advisory service, we will always act in your best interest. Click here to download my Client Disclosure Brochure. You can also check me out on FINRA’s Broker Check website.

We help you manage your investment account taking into consideration your risk tolerance, tax status, and liquidity needs. Ultimately, we know that you want your assets to be there for you when you need them. Our goal isn’t necessarily to achieve a certain performance metric but to have your assets help to achieve your financial goals and objectives.

We start out by developing clear and realistic financial goals. At the same time, we’ll evaluate how much risk your willing to take with your investments. We’ll consider your time horizon and attitude toward market volatility. We’ll also be mindful of any investment categories or specific companies that you’d care to not invest in as a matter of principle or moral reasons.

From there we’ll choose an investment model to benchmark your portfolio against. We can either be goal-focused or distribution focused. In our goal-focused models, we aim to grow your portfolio to help you achieve a specific goal, such as retirement or college. Using our distribution focused models, our aim is to extract income from the portfolio, with growth as a secondary objective.

We can achieve these objectives by investing in either an actively managed portfolio or a passively managed portfolio.

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  • Under our Custom Allocation Program, our investment team actively works to create a customized investment allocation built around your unique investment objective. We work directly with you to select many different types of investments to meet your financial objectives. This program is typically suited for portfolios greater than $250,000.


  • Using our Turnkey Management Program, we plug your portfolio into one of our passively managed models. Selecting either a mutual fund or indexed model, we work together to streamline the process. Our investment team will diversify your portfolio across many different asset classes and will rebalance quarterly. This program is typically suited for portfolios less than $250,000.


Once we’ve decided on a model and have invested the funds, we’ll agree upon a regular review schedule. Whether annually, semi-annually, or quarterly, we will be communicating with you on an ongoing basis to not only review your portfolio, but also the current market and economic climate. We’ll be sure to discuss any changes necessary as they come up. If there’s a major financial issue that can’t wait for our next review, we’ll be sure to reach out to you directly.

As your life changes, we’ll be there to help you along the way. Whether you encounter an inheritance, sell a business, get divorced, win the lottery, we can help you navigate the financial implications of these events. We work closely with your attorney and tax advisor to coordinate the legal and tax consequences as well.

So, let’s begin by getting to know each other better. Contact me today to schedule a call with me and my team to see if it makes sense for us to work together and if so, in what capacity. This first meeting is on us, so let’s get started!


*Diversification and asset allocation do not guarantee against a loss. They are methods used to manage risk.